Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Bedford Police: Do As We Say, Not As We Do

I walk past Bedford Police Station on the way from the Railway Station into work. I just one week I witnessed three occasions where Police cars were flouting parking law. After the first occasion I decided to photograph any subsequent breaches.

I believe it is necessary to have rules in order to protect people, and keep society running smoothly. I find it irritating that so many of societies rules, such as speeding, are routinely flouted.

However, why should anyone abide by the law, when the Police themselves routinely break it?



10/03/2013 - Update - For some months now a few parking places seem to have been left available, so that parking on footpaths/yellow lines is no longer happening. Wonder if this piece helped, situation changed shortly after sending the link to the local press!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Egg Vandals

This morning was the fourth time we have gone out to FTP and found someone had thrown eggs at him..... egg on perodua myvi_3 egg on perodua myvi_4 egg on perodua myvi_5 egg on perodua myvi_6 egg on perodua myvi_7 Pointless....

FTP - his name.

When we chose FTP we were given a lsit of number plates and FTP jumped out at us because we both instantly said File Transfer Protocol. After a few seconds thought we changed the name to Family Transport Protocol, and FTP was named: Family Transport Protocol

IMG_2012-01-27 The other night I was parking and about 15 teenagers came up to tell me how much they like my number plate, but in street slang FTP means something completely different, F... The Police. Apparently I have lots of street cred with local young people!