For a while I have been wondering how long tyres last; people at work seem to get thgrough them in 20-30,000 Miles, and one person only got 18,000 out of his front tyres on his VW Passat. At 38,000 mine were still within legal limits, but I felt they would need replacing soon.
On Friday I was not in work, but had several jobs to do. I pulled away in FTP and instantly knew I had a flat tyre. I pulled over and found a piece of glass piercing the front passenger side tyre.
I checked with the owners manual where to jack a Myvi, and changed the tyre.
The Myvi has a thinner space saving emergency tyre which seemed to drive ok, but was very noisy around corners.
I looked online to see which would be the best tyres. Tyres now have an
ECO lable, giving key qualities, and so I noted that in 175/65R14 T 82 the best tyres were Continentals with Fuel efficiency: C Wet grip: A Noise: 2 bars 70 dB. (PS Do wish longevity was a measure too).
I went into the local branch of
National Tyres and stated my size. The gentleman there started telling me which would be the best tyres. I knew that the Avons did not have as good a rating, and so I stated that I was happy to pay more for Continetal tyres because they had the best ECO rating. The gentleman seemed surprised, but humored me. I was quoted a price for Continental, and we agreed that I would return once the new tyres had been delivered.
I returned in the afternoon and had all four tyres changed (they were all due soon so I had decided to keep all tyres the same). The tyre fitter stated that the wheel trims were difficult to remove, but was impressed that Perodua had used the same size tyre as Peugot, and hence a popular/inexpensive tyre. He stated that many Eastern budget cars use obscure and thus expensive tyres.
When I came to write this piece I noticed that instead of having Continental tyres with Fuel efficiency: C Wet grip: A Noise: 2 bars 70 dB i.e. the best available in the size, I had Fuel efficiency: F Wet grip: C Noise: 2 bars 70 dB, specs worse than many budget tyres. Apparently, there are several Continental tyre models of the same size, I had gone straight to the "Continental Premium Contact 5", because it has the best spec, but the tyre fitter had gone for "Continental EcoContact 3", even though I stated I wanted the Continental because they have the best spec based on the ECO lable. Thus, I have paid more, for inferior tyres. I believe that National Tyre Centres fitters should be trained to supply the needs of the customer according to what the require. My impression at the time of ordering was that he surprised that I used ECO labeling system, and not price, when making my tyre choice. I even stated that the Continental had ratings of C, A and 70bD, and was supplied with tyres of different specs.
I will write to National Tyres expressing my concern that their staff do not seem to properly understand the ECO labeling system, and enact the wishes of their customers.