I turned towards St Crispins and found myself behind a digger belonging to James King, I laughed because I had just been listening to King James Version, some excellent reggae music by Steel Pulse.
I followed the digger for a while and found myself driving into Kent Close. Kent Close used to be staff housing belonging to the Princess Marina Hospital, but they have been empty for a few years awaiting demolition, and the building of another new housing estate. I had tried to drive into Kent Close previously, but had been unsuccessful, because I used to live at 8 Kent Close many years ago and wished to see what had happened to my old house.
8 Kent Close, from where I had parked FTP in the middle of the close.
8 Kent Close, front door and car port.
8 Kent Close, across the rear garden.
8 Kent Close, from the side.
The layout of Kent Close, and its houses is unusual, land did not appear to have been at a premium, and the houses are a strange wedge shape.
FTP parked on Kent Close
Most houses had three beddrooms with one upstairs, but there were a few bungalows.
A very nice couple and their daughter lived at this one.
There was lots of safe space for children to play.
Looking towards number 8, as I left.
The New Nurses Home!
Whilst life was difficult during my time at Kent Close, I have many fond memories, and believe it was a great place to live, especially for children. It seems a shame it will all become another housing estate, like the one built just above it:
Finally, FTP and myself stopped of at Chapel at St Crispins, as we left.