The Airframe bike has been around for several years, but has not sold that well, mainly because no on knows about it (I think). This is a shame because it is a brilliant bike, it is fun to ride, and folds easily (with practice) for fitting in the Myvi, or in train suitcase racks. The Airframe is built by Silkmead Tubular Ltd. of Dunstable as a sideline from their main business of folding tubes for specialist industrial purposes. My bike is unique, it was built for the Cycle Show about six or seven years ago, and is the only one ever built in Emerald Green. I bought the bike from Silkmead about six years ago and love it. It fun to ride and has required negligible maintenance. The Airframe weighs just 10.5 kilos (aluminium tubing), and has an 8 speed Sturmey Archer hub (the current model appears to have a 4 speed Shimano Nexus hub). Airframes are currently available from their distributor McMullan Group, there is a folding video on their site, but I'm sure I can do a better one!
My Airframe at Corby station.
Ready to fold, and pop on the train to work.