Last week life was normal(ish), the loft needed 1.2m insulated loft boards, and FTP handled these without problem.
Unfortunately, I knew I was not functioning correctly. Just little things like hitting the key on the keyboard (or mobile phone) next to the one I aimed at, and having a headache that would not go away. After much thinking I realised that that there was only one explanation, and so I went to the Doctor, and then the local hospital. They were not convinced I was Ill, my reactions and senses were a very good normal, but I knew they poor for me. Eventually, I got a scan, and a brain tumor was apparent.
Now we are waiting to see what the doctors can do, and FTP is waiting for me to get my driving license back .....
Deece and myself are very positive.
Footnote: Because I am not medically fit to have a driving license, and Deece does not drive someone else has had to take on the insurance in their name to allow FTP to wait on the road outside our house (its not very often you wish you had a drive).
Good luck mate